Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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Copyright 1992 by Jörg von Frantzius
WizKey is SHAREWARE, see end of this document for details.
AGREEMENT: By using WizKey you agree that the author will not be
responsible for any damages resulting from malfunction or wrong
documentation of WizKey.
What is WizKey?
WizKey is just another commodity, intended to speed up working with windows
and screens. This is accomplished by letting the user manipulate that stuff
via the keyboard instead of having to:
1. grab your mouse (i.e. get your fingers off the keyboard...)
2. look for gadgets
3. aim at these gadgets and click
4. search for windows in huge window-piles etc.
Anything you can do with system gadgets becomes accessible via keyboard
using WizKey, plus some additional comfort (it's a commodity!).
A windowlist pops up on hotkey invocation, showing a list of all windows
available on the active screen and letting you pick a window with the mouse
or the keyboard (available on public screens only).
The hotkey definitions are free configurable (using any text editor),
allowing you to extend WizKey's functionality to your special needs in
combination with its complete AREXX port. Any Arexx-script may be mapped
to any key combination using normal commodities conventions (those
provided by commodities.library).
You may for example map a script to the hotkey "lcommand e", which will pop
up your editor's window and screen and activate it, no matter on which
screen you have been working on.
As it is a commodity, WizKey needs at least OS 2.0.
Workbench: place WizKey into your Wbstartup drawer to start WizKey with
every boot-up, or double-click on it everytime you want to use it.
If you have installed WizKey in your WBstartup-drawer, I suggest you
install its Preference file in your environment, so that WizKey will
find it on boot-up:
Double-click on "InstallPrefs" to copy WizKey's preference file to
The preference file contains some hotkey definitions that can't be used
if WizKey can't find its preference file.
Shell: put something like "run >NIL: WizKey" into your user-startup script,
if you really don't like the wbstartup drawer.
See "The preference file" for some locations where WizKey can find its
preference file.
I'm not sure how much stack exactly WizKey needs, but 4096 is definitely
not enough. I suggest about 10000 bytes, if you encounter problems (Wizkey
should report that) raise the stack.
The preference file + Arexx Port
WizKey's Arexx host port is named "WizKey" (case sensitive).
WizKey tries to locate a preference file following the rules given in the
user interface style guide, or at least my interpretation of these. Using
tooltypes or commandline parameters you may specify a certain preference
file to be used by WizKey, or a directory containing the file
Tooltype example: "SETTINGS=Work:stuff/WizKey.prefs"
commandline example: "run WizKey settings=Work:stuff/WizKey.prefs"
If no preference file is specified, WizKey will look for it in its program
directory, if it can't be found there it will look for
"ENV:WizKey/WizKey.prefs" in the last place. If no preference file at all
could be found, WizKey uses its built-in defaults.
The preference file is a plain ascii file editable with any ascii-editor.
It consists of hotkey-definitions using the template:
commandName = hokey definition
e.g.: WindowList = lcommand help
The example given will open the windowlist by pressing the keys left amiga +
help key (which is the built-in default for this command, btw). Hotkey
definitions using plain command names without arguments like the example
above will override WizKey's built-in hotkey defaults. Anything else WizKey
does not "know" will be considered being some kind of arexx script, i.e.
string file or physical file. The hotkey defaults exist for simple commands
only that do not require arguments.
If a line does not contain a "=" or no valid Input Description String, it
will be completely ignored.
Small Arexx-Scripts may be put into the preference file using so-called
string files, e.g.:
"ActivateWindow 'Shell'; WinToFront; ScrToFront" = lcommand s
Pressing left amiga+"s", this example will activate the first window
containing the string "Shell", pop it to front and pop its screen to front.
Note that in string files you do not need to say "Address 'WizKey'" to have
access to WizKey's arexx-commands, since these string files will be
executed from within Wizkey. String files are always surrounded by
As well a filename may be specified, which WizKey will try to execute as an
Arexx-script., e.g:
rexx:doSomeThing.wiz = lalt s
WizKey will try to execute the file "rexx:doSomeThing.wiz" as an
Arexx-Script. Filenames do not need to be surrounded by quotemarks.
WizKey's built-in hotkey defaults use some combinations of keys that are
not accessible through input description strings, e.g. WinToFront's hotkey
would be something like "lcommand lshift", which is not a valid input
description string. I'm sorry about that, but commodities.library does not
support that (yet?); if somebody needs to define hotkeys like that himself,
I might add something non-standard to accomplish that.
WizKey's commands in detail
Following is a list of WizKey's functions, including their arexx command
names and default hotkeys.
As a lot of Intuition procedures run asynchronously (sp?) from WizKey, every
arexx-command of WizKey is followed automatically by a certain delay that
makes sure the Intuition procedure really has completed. This is important
since some combinations of Intuition procedures (which are invoked by
WizKey's Arexx-commands) depend on the completion of the previous command,
e.g. "CenterWindow X; ExpandBottom": the window would be expanded to the
bottom before it is centered in the middle of the screen, because WizKey
examines the Window's data before Intuition changes them.
However, this delay often slows down arexx-scripts unnecessarily, so you
can switch it off by providing the "ND=NoDelay/S" argument with your
invocation, e.g.: "WinToFront nd; ScrToFront" - here the delay would not
be necessary so it is switched off.
NAME: Quit, lcommand x
Arguments: Force/S
WizKey removes itself from memory. You'll never use this one, anyway ;-)
If called with "Force/S" WizKey won't ask silly questions before removing
Windowlist stuff:
NAME: WindowList, lcommand help
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
If the active screen is a public screen, a window is opened containing the
titles of every window on the screen. Click on a title to pop a window to
the front and activate it; the active window is marked with a "*".
To activate the windowlist, which is not activated when opened, press the
hotkey again, then cursor up and down to scroll through the windowlist.
The default preference file conains some little arexx-scripts enabling
you to pick windows with the keys lcommand + F1-F10 and "1"-"0", according
to the numbers displayed in the windowlist.
NAME: ToggleTitles, lcommand t
Arguments: none
By default the windowlist displays the windows' titles, with this command
the display can be switched to the windows's screentitles and back. Very
useful for my texteditor :-)
NAME: CloseList, lcommand delete
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
Closes the windowlist.
Activation stuff + shuffling::
NAME: NextWin, lcommand tab
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
Activates the next window in the windowlist, allowing you to activate any
window on screen.
NAME: PrecedingWin, lcommand ` (the key above tab)
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
Activates the window preceding the active window in the windowlist.
NAME: TopWinToBottom, lcommand up (i.e. cursor up)
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The window on top of the active screen's window pile is dropped to the
bottom, the window now on top is activated.
Handy to shuffle through the window pile.
NAME: BottomWinToFront, lcommand down (i.e. cursor down)
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The bottom window of the window pile is brought to the top and is
NAME: WinToFront, lcommand lshift
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The active window is brought to the front.
NAME: WinToBack, lcommand rshift
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The active window is dropped to the bottom.
NAME: CloseWindow, lcommand q
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
If the active window contains a close gadget, WizKey tries to close the
Window sizin'n'movin':
Any change of size and position performed through WizKey may be taken back
one time for each window, see "RestoreWindow".
NAME: ToggleClip, lcommand c
Arguments: "On/S,Off/S"
Determines whether certain WizKey-commands take care of the active screen's
display clip, i.e. size and position of the visible portion of the screen.
"On/S,Off/S" set or unset an internal boolean flag, without any arguments
this flag is toggled.
In Arexx-scripts this global flag may be overridden individually by each
command that accepts the arguments "DClip/S,NoDClip/S".
NAME: ReduceWindow, lcommand r
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The active window is sized to its minimum.
NAME: FullSize, lcommand f
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The active window is sized to its maximum. If the display clip flag is set,
FullSize will try to move the active window into the display clip and size
it appropriately.
NAME: Zip, lcommand z
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
Just like clicking on the active window's zip gadget.
NAME: RestoreWindow, lcommand backspace
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The window's last change of position and/or size done with WizKey is
taken back. Even "RestoreWindow" itself can be taken back.
Screen shuffling:
NAME: ScreenToBack, rcommand up
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The active screen is dropped behind any other screen, the screen's active
window is remembered. If WizKey can remember an active window on the next
screen, the window is activated, else the window covering the screen's
centre is activated or the screen's first window is activated.
NAME: BackScreenToFront,rcommand down
Arguments: ND=NoDelay/S
The bottom screen is popped to the front, activation of its window is the
same as in "ScreenToBack".
Arexx only commands:
These commands are accessible via AREXX only, there exist no internal
default hotkeys for them.
Further examples for these commands can be found in the preference file.
NAME: ActivateWindow
Arguments: WinTitle/A,ND=NoDelay/S
WizKey searches through every window on any screen for a window title
that contains (!) the title given as an argument, and activates it if it
finds one. "ActivateWindow 'rkben'" for example will activate the window
'Workbench', if there is one. The search is case sensitive.
NAME: GetWinTitle
Arguments: none
Requiring "options result" before invocation, this function returns the
title of the active window. Example (to type in the shell):
rx "address 'WizKey'; options results; GetWinTitle; say result"
this will print the name of the shell window in the shell.
NAME: PickWindow
Arguments: Number/A/N,ND=NoDelay/S
The window at the position <number> in the windowlist will be activated
and popped to the front. See preference file for examples.
NAME: ScrToFront
Arguments: ScrTitle,ND=NoDelay/S
If provided with a screentitle argument, this command will pop the first
screen containing the argument string in its title to the front. Without
any argument, this will bring the active window's screen to front.
NAME: RelSizeWindow
Arguments: Numerator/A/N,Denominator/A/N,X/S,Y/S,ND=NoDelay/S
The active window's size is changed to a fraction relative to its screen
size. X and Y determine whether this affects only the window's width,
only the window's height, or both. Example: "RelSizeWindow 5 7 X Y" will
size the active window both in width and height to 5/7 of its screen's
size. "RelSizeWindow 1 2 Y" will size the active window only in height to
1/2 (one half) of its screen's height.
NAME: RelMoveWindow
Arguments: WhichWin/A/N,NumberWins/A/N,X/S,Y/S,ND=NoDelay/S
Hmpf. Not too easy to explain. If the active screen's specified axis
(specified by "X/S" and "Y/S") was divided into "NumberWins/N" Windows,
the parameter "WhichWin" specifies the position this Command moves the
active Window to. Nobody will understand that, including myself in half
an hour. The purpose of this command is to offer the opportunity of
writing arexx-scripts that tile windows in a sophisticated manner (in
combination with "RelSizeWindow"), the thing is just that I have yet to
write these arexx-scripts. Right now I'm starting to doubt that this is
the right way, though ...
For now you can move windows with this command to some places other than
the screen's border or center.
Example: "RelSizeWindow 1 4 X; RelMoveWindow 3 4 X" - the active window's
with is sized to 1/4 of its screen's width, and it's moved to the position
of the third window of four windows (with width=1/4 of the screens' width)
that you have to imagine standing next to each other in a row on the
x-axis of the screen. Can't find an explanation now that sounds less
ridiculous ...
NAME: ExpandWindow
Arguments: "Left/S,Right/S,Top/S,Bottom/S,DClip/S,NoDClip/S,ND=NoDelay"
According to the arguments passed to it, ExpandWindow expands the active
window's borders to its screen's borders or the momentary display clip's
borders. The latter can be switched on and off by the arexx-command
"ToggleClip" or by providing the appropriate argument to "ExpandWindow",
see argument template.
Every combination of directions makes sense, e.g.
"ExpandWindow Top Bottom Right".
NAME: SnapWindow
Arguments: "Left/S,Right/S,Top/S,Bottom/S,DClip/S,NoDClip/S,ND=NoDelay"
The active window is moved to its screens or display clip's borders.
Combinations of opposite movement directions (like "Top Bottom") do
not make sense, I'm not quite sure now where exactly the window would
be moved...
See "ExpandWindow" and "ToggleClip" for details on the display clip.
NAME: CenterWindow
Arguments: "X/S,Y/S,ND=NoDelay"
The active window is moved to its screen's or the momentary display
clip's center horizontally or vertically or both, depending on the
arguments provided.
See "ExpandWindow" and "ToggleClip" for details on the display clip.
Future Enhancements
I have some ideas already for some new commands and Arexx-scripts that help
tiling windows and stuff like that, this sure will come.
I have just learned that the delay I am using to assure the completion of
Intuition procedures ist not sufficient in every situation; I don't like
this one anyway, so I'm going to find a different solution.
If you have any idea of improvements or corrections then please tell me
about it, maybe I will implement it.
There might especially be some useful Arexx-commands I did not think of.
Of course I'd appreciate any bug report very much, too, the more detailed
the better.
If you use WizKey frequently then feel free to send me a donation of 20$ or
20 DM. If you can't afford that much money or if you think that WizKey is
worth less, feel free to send less money, that's ok.
If you think that WizKey is worth much more than 20$, don't hesitate to send
much more than 20$.
If you do not like WizKey or do not have any computer at all, and you don't
know how to get rid off your money, this might be a reason to send some
money to me, too, you are welcome.
My address is:
Jörg von Frantzius
Neue Königstr 61
W-5040 Brühl
Internet: novalis@darkness.gun.de
My bank account is: BLZ 37010050, number 04199 53-507
Postgiroamt Köln
Registered users can obtain updates for free, e.g. the cost of postage,
envelope and diskette. I suggest about $3 or 3,- DM in Germany, I hope
that's enough... Since I am working on WizKey almost everytime I switch
on my computer, chances are good that there's a new version available
every now and then.
WizKey 1.14 first public release
WizKey 1.15 10-Jul-1992
Changes, or better bugfixes:
- WizKey now runs on those few Amigas with an 68000 in it ;-)
- a potentially nasty bug that showed up only when at least two
users are playing with WizKey and the mouse simultaneously
is fixed now
- Bug in AREXX-Command ScrToFront fixed that would bring up
the Workbench no matter what Screenname was passed to it
- now CX_PRIORITY may be passed either as a ToolType or CLI-
Parameter to determine the priority of WizKey in relation
to other running Commodities. BTW, hey Commodore, why
doesn't Exchange show nor change these priorities?
- WizKey now removes properly when started twice
WizKey 1.16 2-Aug-1992
- WizKey should now REALLY run on 68000...
- Arexx-argument parsing is now done by Dos' ReadArgs(); argument templates
now look standard-like
- "ND=NoDelay/S" argument introduced for every Arexx-command that makes sense
with this argument, speeding up arexx-scripts a lot
- Expand + FullSize take care of the display clip; ToggleClip switches the
flag telling if they should or not
- some bugs fixed, I really can't remember them all now ;-)
WizKey 1.17 7-Aug-1992
- WizKey now DOES run on 68000... ahem (at least on my A1000)
- MoveXXXXX, MoveXYCenter and ExpandXXXXX become single Arexx commands each,
requiring some arguments to be passed to them; all of them take care of the
display clip now
- DClip/S and NoDClip/S arguments introduced to arexx-commands that take care
of the display clip
- ToggleClip defaults now to Yes, and accepts arguments "On/S,Off/S"
- WindowList now always opens within the display clip
WizKey 1.18 2-Sep-1992
- WizKey now seems to run always on my A1000, really... yeah
- "Quit" accepts argument "Force/S" (I once needed it myself)
- PropGadget looks nicer now (very important thing)
- opening the WindowList could in some situations freeze the machine, fixed now
- Added command "RelMoveWindow"
- Some renaming again: "MoveWindow" is called "SnapWindow" now,
"ShrinkWindow" is called "RelSizeWindow"
The new prefsfile reflects the new names, of course. I suggest those 4 of 5
people who are using WizKey already replace their old prefsfiles with the new